
  • M KINGIMI University of Maiduguri
  • I. YAMBA
  • A. M. AHMED


Tomato, Heterosis, Nematode, Resistance


Fifteen entries consisting of six parents and eight crosses derived from a line x tester mating design were evaluated in three replications in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in two locations (Teaching and Research Farm Faculty of Agriculture and Lake Chad Research Institute) Maiduguri, Borno State during 2016/2017 dry season under irrigation. The research was done to estimate the heterotic effects of tomato varieties susceptible to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp). It was observed from the study that great potential for increased production of tomato with resistance to nematode infestation exist in this population. All the crosses exhibited significant heterosis in majority of the traits. These crosses showed lowest degree of superiority over their parents in terms of heterosis. The cross Lindo x Dan-Kano and Lindo x Dan-Gombe showed highest significant negative heterosis for number of fruits per plant followed by the cross Cobra x Tandino. There was high significant negative heterosis for the cross Lindo x Dan-Gombe for the characters of weight of fruit per plant and weight of fruit per plot, respectively despite root knot nematode infestation. For nematode initial population (Pi), the parent Dan-Kano (16.21) recorded the highest value followed by the cross Dan-Gombe x Cobra (15.05). The lowest values were recorded for the cross Tandino x Lindo, Dan-Chadi x Cobra and Tandino x Cobra. However, for the final population (Pf), the parent Dan-Gombe (39.83) had the highest value followed by the parent Dan-Chadi (38.44) and Dan-Kano (37.16). The parent Dan-Gombe (2.73) recorded the highest reproductive factor followed by the parent Dan-Chadi (2.58) and the cross Tandino x Cobra (2.53). The lowest reproductive factor was recorded for the parent Cobra (1.69). This desirable segregates should be used for development of acceptable tomato varieties to ascertain their improvement for yield and resistance to nematodes in infested locations. Furthermore, the segregates could also be used in developing tomato varieties that have high heterotic values with less or no galls in the root system of tomatoes.


Key Words: Tomato, Heterosis, Nematode, Resistance



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